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lcd club night

15th July 2024

Annual DF Hunt

In the

Welland Valley

Meet outside

The Great Bowden

Village Hall at 19:00

Paul  G1FJH

is the Fox and organiser for this years DF Fox Hunt


 1st July 2024

19:30 to 20:00

Meet on 145.275MHz FM

Net Controller

James G1JSP

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To advertise here, please contact our webmaster with details.

Last Updated

23rd June 2024.

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DX Cluster - MB6WV


The Welland Valley Amateur Radio Society run a DX Cluster on a small Linux based Raspberry Pi Zero. This will be available below on this page once I have worked out how to insert a telnet session within a webpage. 

However if you already have Telnet client software on your PC, Laptop, Tablet or Phone, the connection details below should get you connected to our DX Cluster MB6WV.

For more information, please contact Colin G1IVG.


Port:              7373